Saturday, April 25, 2009


Hey guys,

I texted Tom and James, but I thought I should post for the sake of Frosh. I won't be able to do anything this weekend, due to me starting my new schedule on Sunday and my dad coming up to visit tomorrow. Hopefully I can catch you guys sometime this week. Just send me a message if you wanna grab lunch or something sometime, I'm good as long as it's before 3 or so.

Two notes though:
  • Do any of you guys own Chrononauts? I've been wanting to play that game for like a year or so, so I thought I would ask before you all high-tail it out of here when school ends
  • The Firehouse theatre is doing a play tommorow night called "The Great American Trailer Park Musical" which the title is enough to sell me on. I'm not sure about tickets, but if any of you guys want to join me and my girlfriend seeing it tommorow night then feel free to let me know.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Hey guys, AWESOME news. It turns out I've had a bit of a schedule change and I am now working on Sunday this weekend. So, There are a couple of options if you guys still want to play.

1. I can play Friday Night (after 6:30) and Saturday pretty much anytime. I can also play Sunday NIGHT, around 7pm
2.I know Tom is busy this week, but I will be available most days next week to play from 6:30 pm and on.
3. Weekend after this one, I should be available on Friday and Saturday all day but It's not 100% yet.

After that, I most likely won't be able to play the next two weekends, plus I'll be on that ridiculus 3pm-midnight shedule Sun-Thur.

Also, I'm up for just playing James' game. Since I think James runs a good game (at least that tiny off-the-cuff one shot we did once that involved treating a dwarf like a toddler). I haven't done much work beyond a general outline for the VonEinstein thing so I'm seriously not going to be heartbroken if that gets thrown out.

And, If we can't really get to James' game OR mine in the next 2 weekends thats fine too. I'm sure I will be able to get away sometime eventually on a Friday or Saturday to hang out with you guys, whether in Fredricksbug or around Richmond. I'd definitely be up for just grabbing some food tomorrow (Tues) at Hometeam if you guys want to figure things out there as well.

Sorry for the suck. I'm as bummed as you guys may or may not be.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Rise and/or Fall of the VonEinstein Empire

Guten Tag!

Et est time to soar like ze glorious zepplin! Un Sunday yu vell be transported to a verld unlike anysing yu haf EVA SEEN. YOUR EYES VILL BURN AZ YOU GAZE APON ZE TRUE FACE UF SCIENCE EETSELF!! BWAAAHAHAHAHA


Anyway, for the one-shot campaign on Sunday you three will be playing 20th level char., much like when we started Tom's campaign. Only this time there won't be just one VonEinstein.. BUT THREE. I'm asking each of you to create your own 20th level VonEinsteins. I've included a guide on creating your own VonEinstein which follows:

Mandatory VonEinstein traits
  • The Last name must be VonEinstein. Pretty much self-explanatory
  • Your char. must have an accent. Now, I want to make it clear that a German accent is absolutely not necessary. Your own VonEinstein can be Australian, Belgian, Canadian, British, Danish, Icelandish - Whatever, It just cannot be plain everyday American and it does have to be over the top and borderline offensive
  • SCIENCE! Behind the name and the accent, science is the most important aspect of a VonEinstein. One thing that you need to make sure of is that every single power, or extra-ordinary ability can be explained by logical, rational and ridiculous science. Your VonEinstein most have had passion for science since the moment of birth, spending his entire existence perfecting his ONE TRUE PASSION AND SKILL.
  • Your char. must be an inventor of some sort. This kind of goes along with the whole science thing but I'd like you guys to have at least 2-3 awesome gadgets.
  • Whatever your VonEinstein's current race is, he/she/it did not start that way. You were once human until a HORRIBLE EXPERIMENT GONE AWRY turned you what you are today, be that dwarf, goblin, teifling.. whatever. If you want to play a human, you were once a simple but incredibly intelligent dwarf, goblin, teifling, ect.. until a HORRIBLE EXPERIMENT WENT AWRY...

So there's the guidelines. Other than that fell free to make your VonEinstein however you want raised in whatever kind of world that you want. If you guys have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments. See you guys Sunday!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Hey, it's Frosh. I thought I said it last Sunday, but oh well. I am planning on heading back home this weekend, and I do not expect to be back in time to conduct a roleplaying session. I apologize, and will try and make it up for a better seesion next time.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Pemberton's Journal Entry 1--March 29

Today our group left Uplandschlag-something-town in search of greener pastures. Suits me fine. Human towns have terrible pastures and smell like battlefields. Besides, I can never remember their names, especially when they get all high falutin like this one we was in. And let me tell you something else about humans--they mumble! Say what you want about us 'taurs but when we say something, we say it loud enough for someone else to hear it.

We spent a really nice afternoon wandering the forest when we were unfortunate to come to another human town. I could smell it from a ways off, but I didn't say anything. They had some kind of problem, and personally I just wanted to walk away, but the crazies I'm traveling with wouldn't shut up about helping these retarded pink monkey people, so we set out to kill some dog-people that were preying on them.

I don't know why we even bothered. I got infected by some stupid Gnoll disease and know I can't sneeze without damn near laughing my head off. I got so feverish I'd have sworn I saw this weird bear a couple of times. It was yellow. That's how I knew it wasn't real. To top things off, the humans tried to swindle us out of our reward and then asked us to help them again! I mean, as a member of the Superior Race, I try to be mature, but I had to get out of there.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The State of the Game 3/29/09

Hey guys,

Frosh asked me to post this for him. The game will take place Sunday (3/29/09) at my place at 12:30. Just a reminder to everyone, make level 6 dudes. I am going to get Frosh in the morning, if anyone else wants a ride, give me a shout.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A change in gaming

Thought I would take this time to update everyone on what is going on, as well as I understand it anyway.

This Sunday, Frosh is taking over the DM reigns to begin a new 4th edition campaign that incorporates material from the PHB2. We are making 6th level characters, and as it stands, I am going to be a shaman, a leader role. Tom is thinking barbarian or sorcerer that's a defender or a controller I think. Robin? Striker perhaps? Lets hear some thoughts, post your cool ideas etc. Frosh also feel free to post any important info here. That's all for now, except that Saturday will be big days for both Tom and myself, Tom is going to visit his grad school and I have a test that is required to be a teacher so wish us both good thoughts Saturday.